Stretching and Strengthening Video Home Care Series - Course 1
Video programs for upper back pain, lumbar back pain, sacroiliac joint pain, desk stretching, limited mobility and general am/pm routine for postural awareness.
Save time explaining home care exercises with a library of video programs you can send patients in one quick text or email. After watching the videos, patients feel confident that they are performing the recommended activity correctly and feel supported by you in their treatment plan.
Learn how to easily share video programs to patients in one quick text, email or video link.
Learn and apply home care stretching and strengthening programs for Upper Back Pain, Lower Back Pain, Desk Stretching, Limited Mobility, General AM/PM and Postural Awareness.
Review causes, presentations and muscular anatomy for commonly seen patient conditions.
Learn when to prescribe each routine and program goals.
Receive a clear explanation and demonstration of how to perform the exercise safely with video tutorials.
Learn how the videos can be used to assist you with virtual telehealth treatments.
MTAA Approved for 8 Primary Professional Development Credits, CRMTA Approved for 8 Primary Professional Development Credits, CMMOTA approved for 8 Credits.
No this course is useful for anyone wanting to learn how to safely perform stretching and strengthening exercises. It is particularly useful for Massage Therapists, Chiropractors, Acupuncturists and Physiotherapists.
The course fee is $157.50 CAD (including tax) which gives you 1 year access to all of the course material in the online learning center.
You have 1 year from the date of purchase to complete all courses, and you can access your courses 24/7 online from any device.
Please check with your association in advance as to how you can receive credit for this course. MTAA members need only to submit a copy of your certificate of completion to your association, but this may vary for non-members.
Yes, you can retake the exam as many times as needed.